Tinaye Makuyana

My paper reliefs emerge as intricate and complex studies of light, shape, colour, and space, provoking an intense visual experience.

Final Project

In Pursuit of the White Rabbit Series

The intention of my sculptures is to achieve a visual balance of geometric forms and create depth through the interplay of light, shadow, surface, and plane. Another facet of the sculpture is that it features the reflection of intense colour from the underside of my paper onto a further surface. This creates a tactile quality, tying together the composition while maintaining a sense of subtly and placidity in the art.

Under the Rainbow

Paper-folding is a process that I find both engaging and visually rewarding. My visual language is drawn from geometric shapes and architectural features I encounter daily. My eye is attracted to the shape or pattern and the depth and dimension achieved by architectural features because I find them visually exciting. These references serve both practical and creative goals as I imitate these qualities in my paper folding.

I use rich and vibrant colours often employed by consumer advertisements to invoke the familiar sense of excitement and magnetic energy associated with popular products. My colour choices also have a joyful and youthful quality that can evoke a sense of nostalgia in the viewer. This emotional element adds depth and meaning to my work, making it visually stimulating and emotionally fulfilling.

Journey to the Exhibition

Working in the Fine Art Studios

Close-up of Under the Rainbow
Close-up of an experimental piece
Scoring the paper

Work Experience

Freelance Artist: 2021 – Present

MasterPeace Academy Jewellery Designer and Maker: 2021 – 2022

MasterPeace Academy Marketing Assistant Part-time: 2021


2023 ‘Belonging to Us’ Group Exhibition, Birmingham School of Jewellery

2022 ‘We Are One’ Group Exhibition, RBSA Gallery, Birmingham

2019 ‘Flux’ L4 Foundation Art and Design, Group Exhibition Bargehouse Oxo Tower, London

Visionary Thinkers

Visionary Creators

Visionary Makers