Shayna Patel

I am a designer with an aptitude for solving real world problems with innovative trend setting solutions.

Final Project


Kali is a women’s protection device that aims to instil confidence in young women, enabling them to walk alone with a sense of empowerment and security.

Kali utilises three forms of protection to offer users with the peace of mind and protection they deserve. This includes a 140 decibel siren alarm and a purple UV ink dying spray to deter and help identify the attacker. When the device is activated, the users chosen guardians will be notified through the ‘Kali’ app and their exact location will be shared, providing an extra layer of protection.

The Problem.

Women often experience feelings of vulnerability and anxiety due to safety concerns, which can restrict their freedom of movement and limit their independence. Walking alone should be a basic and empowering act, allowing individuals to go about their daily lives without apprehension. However, the fear of potential harm or harassment prevents many women from fully enjoying this freedom.

The Solution.

Kali tackles these issues by providing a heightened sense of safety and empowers women to navigate public spaces with confidence. By offering a reliable and discreet means of personal protection, Kali aims to alleviate fears, promote self-assurance, and encourage women to reclaim their autonomy when walking alone. The ability to alert their trusted guardians in a time of need provides the user with an added peace of mind.

Reliable. Confident. Discreet.

The products design elements provide a discrete yet confident device that will provide women with a sense of security. Purple is often associated with qualities such as strength, courage, and empowerment. The discreet aesthetic of the device is intentionally crafted to blend seamlessly with everyday attire, allowing women to carry it without drawing unnecessary attention.

The Process.

Through prototyping, appearance and functional models were created to test the products interaction. 3D printing played a pivotal role in the development process, which allowed higher fidelity prototypes to be achieved, replicating intricate details and features that mimic the final product. This enabled a heightened level of user evaluation to be carried out, providing valuable insights.

User Experience: Process.

Low fidelity wire framing, body storming and experience prototyping was used to develop the Kali app. These activities helped to iterate and develop the product. Gaining user feedback helped to improve the overall user experience, and gain key insights to make valuable changes.

User Experience: Delivery.

The Kali product and app work in harmony to instil confidence in users. The app’s combination of route selection, trusted guardians, community support, and journey recording, creates a holistic safety experience, instilling a sense of control and reassurance for users during their solo walks.

Journey to the Show.

Design Sprint: ‘NutriNibbles’

‘NutriNibbles’ is an interactive plate designed to tackle childhood obesity and create healthy habits from a young age that will extend into adulthood. The design intends to make mealtimes playful and educational to encourage children to eat a balanced and nutritious diet.

Internet of Things: ‘Alusia’

Alusia’ uses AI Skin-imaging technology to detect the users skin tone and show them in an internet app the different makeup shades that will suit their skin. The user is able to select a product and shade and project it onto their skin to give them a realistic view of how it would look.

RSA Competition: ‘Eden’

‘Eden’ is a service driven product that improves a company’s employee well-being and connects them to their local environment, whilst enhancing colleague relationships. The device, in partnership with an app, helps streamline productivity in a subtle and unobtrusive manner.

Work Experience

Zoe Hubbard Interiors: 2019- 2023

One-off Designs: 2022/23

Visionary Thinkers

Visionary Creators

Visionary Makers