Final Project


Dog owners often find themselves leashing and unleashing their dogs up to 10 times per walk, requiring an average of 30 seconds each time to clip on a separately carried leash and bring their dog under control. This inconvenience can lead to owners keeping their dogs on a leash the entire time, depriving them of the chance to play and explore freely.

The FIDUS system provides a solution by integrating a quick-release, retractable 4-foot leash into a comfortable, adjustable collar. With the grab-handle located on the back of the collar, owners can quickly, safely, and conveniently get their dog under control whenever necessary, allowing for more off-leash playtime and exploration.

Other work


Devices inserted into the ground in farmland that utilise the symbiotic relationship between plants and fungi. The devices interface with the subterranean mat of mycelium interwound with crops roots using it as a communication, protection, and transport network.


An injection moulded widget, branded with the Creality logo, designed to be part of a set of tools included with Creality 3D printers for post processing prints.


  • RSA shortlist for MYCOPOD
  • Triumph design awards finalist
  • Arkwright Engineering Scholarship

Work Experience

  • DPS placement at Raymont-Osman Product Design
  • Spinlock Ltd
  • TSD Construction Ltd

Visionary Thinkers

Visionary Creators

Visionary Makers