Final Year Project:

Ankle Sprain Recovery and Prevention

This shows FLEXA in all 6 ranges of motion of the ankle.

“40% of ankle sprains are reoccurring”

Introducing FLEXA

FLEXA is your all-in-one solution to ankle sprains: To recover from existing injuries and prevent any future ones from occurring. It is the only way to train all 6 ranges of motion of the ankle without the need for any additional weight or equipment.

FLEXA being used by someone on a yoga mat

Convenient and Effective.

FLEXA aims to enhance the rehabilitation process of an ankle sprain, making it as easy and comfortable as possible for people to use. Giving you the security you need when returning to sport from injury.

FLEXA folded up on the floor of a gym

Flexibility and Freedom.

With its compact form factor, FLEXA allows people to choose where they would like exercise. Pack it with you to go to the gym or keep it by the sofa to use while watching TV – wherever works for you.

“The thought of factoring in time for ankle rehab stresses me out.”

Professional and Helpful.

With a variable form of controlled resistance you can easily measure your progress through each guided movement. The cut outs ensure the proper technique is being used to eliminate any unknowns when exercising.

An exploded view of the design

Lightweight and Strong.

FLEXA has been manufactured with as minimal materials as possible. Inner steel frames provide the stability needed, cased in ABS for a soft touch. Recycled EVA foam gives the foot base a comfortable and snug fit for all.

Highlighting the muscles used when exercising in motion

The Bigger Picture

Physiotherapists are always looking for new and improved ways to make their job easier. The tibialis anterior and soleus are incredibly important muscles for stabilising the body and maintaining upright posture. However they are often weak and neglected as gyms do not have machines to train these muscles correctly, leaving people more prone to knee and ankle injuries.

Sustainability Project:

Offering an Alternative to Shoe Consumerism

A provocative poster mock up to promote barefoot shoes

“Sneaker production accounts for 1.4% of all greenhouse gas emissions.”

We buy too much. We buy what we don’t need and then complain when we don’t know what to do with it. This needs to change. We need to change this at the core of the problem to target behaviour change before people even have chance to step foot inside a store. Offer an intervention, a glimmer of hope. Photograph: Kellie French/The Guardian, assisted by Harry Brayne

The impact that over consumption has on landfill
Inspiring the next generation of makers, fixers and doers

When faced with the challenging brief of ‘design a more sustainable pair of shoes’ I was stumped, until I looked down at my feet and saw how, after wearing tight unnaturally fitting footwear, they had been misshapen. Forced into a narrow sole, toes overlap and our innate way of walking is broken.

“The way to truly rid the earth of environmentally damaging products is to stop producing them.”

The School Shoe Pact is a program designed to help fix this. Teaching students when they are still growing and receptive to change sparks conversation about breaking convention. Learning how to tailor make shoes that fit perfectly for them can span across all aspects of their future lives.

How custom fitting shoes are made as simply as possible
The circular and sharing economy of the proposal

Combining a circular and sharing economy to this program we can minimise waste and maximise creativity. When the shoes no longer fit, they can be disassembled, separated and recycled so that the next year group can use the parts again.


  • Did you know I’ve ran an ultramarathon?
  • AND can solve a rubiks cube in 40 seconds
  • Not quite RSA or D&AD approved but it’ll do

Work Experience

October 2021-July 2022
Design and Production Intern at TWO-O Amsterdam
The company has since closed down, but I promise it was real

Visionary Thinkers

Visionary Creators

Visionary Makers