Rebecca Phipps

Strategy and editorial designer with a passion for tackling intricate challenges and discovering effective solutions.

Carbon Blackout

The Carbon Blackout Project aims to implement carbon labelling in Waitrose stores. 

The project covers every aspect from the initial launch event to the ultimate impact on consumers and manufacturers. As a sub-brand of Waitrose, the project’s branding adheres to the company’s guidelines and tone of voice. The project originated in response to an RSA brief.

Beyond the Surface

A design project telling the stories of those who swim and the communities built around water.

As the cost of living crisis thretens to close more and more pools across the uk what will this mean for the people who swim and how will this impact the wider community. This book tells 20 people’s stories alongside some of the history around swimming with a focused on type and photography.

The Interplanetary Bureau of Human Rights

Will we learn from our past mistakes, or will history keep on repeating?

This piece explores the consequences of the UK’s proposed law, which would send all refugees arriving in the UK to Rwanda, following in the footsteps of other nations, such as Australia, which have subjected refugees to indefinite detention offshore. The piece takes you through the narrative of making a permanent change towards fair treatment of refugees to help reflect on the current situation. 

Journey to the Show


Encouraging people to give their old phones a new lease on life by recycling them to be turned into new technology. 

The average UK household has a stockpile of 20 unused electrical items that are collecting dust at home. To help tackle this issue, the government has launched a service called Revive. Revive makes it simple for customers to recycle their old phones by offering playful packaging that educates them on the potential uses of their devices. 

Think Serve Return

Encouraging students to concider the recourses that go into their food and why its important not to waste food. 

Most people are unaware of the hidden cost behind their meal. Making students aware of this should create more conscious students who waste less food and hopfully carry on this habit after university. The project takes a several pronged approch to helping students make better decisions. 

We are becoming Death

A photographic narrative piece that looks past the statistics and explores the real impact of covid on peoples lives.

During the pandemic the news blinded us with facts and figures that stop us from remembering that every number on a chart relates to someone who has passed away. This project explores the real impact of covid on people and tries to represent those lost in a more real way. 


  • Pearlfisher Fresh Pearl Finalist
  • The CDCT Grant 2022-2023
  • Design By Nature 2021 competition

Work Experience

Currently, I am freelancing for Teradata, a renowned international data handling company. After successfully completing a year-long placement, I have continued to freelance with them for the past year. Additionally, I have been working for an Australian company for over three years, specialising in medical graphic design, as a freelance.

Visionary Thinkers

Visionary Creators

Visionary Makers