Final Project

A Day in the Life

“A Day in the Life,” is an unconventional graphic novel that experiments with sequential imagery and other visual devices to simultaneously create a sense of narrative and ambiguity.

Through the employment of two perspectives, it interrogates primarily the themes of alienation and isolation.

How it is Made

All of the illustrations are handmade and then digitally edited through Adobe Photoshop to create various effects and a sense of layout. The book consists of double-page spreads, and each composition was planned out thoroughly prior to digital editing.


The characters featured in the book are experiencing difficult times in their lives in which they both feel lonely and isolated based off of different circumstances. There are both clear parallels and juxtapositions between these two narratives and these are expressed purely through visual language.

This project began with research into male loneliness and generational divides and its core aim is to encourage multi-generational activity.

The prevailing benefit of both of my projects from this year was in providing me with extensive freedom for experimentation whilst still being grounded by their textual engagement with contemporary social problems.

Rich Spirit (Semester One)

“Rich Spirit,” is an online essay about generational trauma as expressed through black music, accompanied by editorial illustrations and animations.

This essay explores the life and work of two prominent black artists, Nina Simone and Kendrick Lamar, analysing their connection through generational trauma, not only in relation to systemic issues, but also personal strife and mental illness.

All of the illustrations for this project were entirely digital, created and composed in Adobe Illustrator and edited in Adobe Photoshop.

Work Experience

This year I have worked within the Loughborough UAV team as a graphic designer. My main responsibility was logo design. I have previously been commissioned by Nottinghamshire Police to create graphics that raise awareness about misogyny in the workplace. I have also been commissioned by Nottingham Trent University to create an illustration used in advertising for a talk on female empowerment.

Visionary Thinkers

Visionary Creators

Visionary Makers