Katie Thompson

I am a design and story-based artist who primarily focuses on animation and illustration, fostering memorable characters, unique colour schemes, and impactful sound design.

Final Project

‘Food Club’- An Animated Food Campaign for Lonely Students

Since COVID, almost 1 in 4 students are lonely, with 55% found to miss homecooked meals. Food Club is a service targeted at homesick students, designed to share recipes and encourage them to cook and eat together.

Sponsored by supermarkets, Food Club focuses on international students, who are hard-to-reach audiences, but is an experience that all students can access. This project focuses on the animation aspect, creating a marketing campaign about ‘Maya’, a first year Hong Kong student in the UK.

Colour Script

Maya’s mood in the animation was heavily represented by colour, as such a colour script was developed to showcase each scene.

Character Turnarounds

As multi-media texture and colours were the focal point of the Food Club animation, a range of character turnarounds and props were developed.

Marketing Mock-ups

Seen in the animation are recipe cards, knownas ‘Shuffle N’ Share’ cards. They are recipe themed playing cards, with each suite having a different style of food theming.

The Animation

The animation was developed with digital and stop- motion media, normalising student loneliness with a humorous, multi-media twist.

Final Project

Bloom- DNAD 21Gram Game Pitch

In response to 21Grams’s brief, Bloom is a tablet-based, co-operative game developed to help connect parents with postnatal depression.

Journey to the Show

Game Pitch: The Idea

Bloom is a point-and-click adventure game, focusing on parents who are up during late nights and need time to socialise. Co-op is randomised, and focuses on positive, non-verbal play in a calming space.

Game Pitch: The Narrative

In Bloom, you play as ‘Trolds’, little rock spirits in a big allotment. You work together to bring the garden back to life, alongside its new human owners.

Proof Of Concept Animation

Bloom focuses on a painterly 2D style, with immersive sound design that helps alleviate stress on an anxious parent’s mind.

Over placement I worked at Sparky Ink, a small studio designed to teach digital art and production skills to children and adults with Autistic Spectrum Disorder. During my placement I developed teaching skills, as well as decorative and promotional material for the studio.

The highlight of placement included developing an animated promotional film, utilising the main mascots of the company. The film uses multiple mediums in order to show everything that Sparky Ink can offer, from stop motion to 3D.

Throughout the development of this promotional film, I expanded my skills in animation, learning software such as Toonboom and Blender, which helped me in producing stronger animated media for final year.

Work Experience

Graphic Design and Animation Intern at Sparky Ink- August 2022- September 2023

Visionary Thinkers

Visionary Creators

Visionary Makers