Orsi Haboczki

With a keen eye for details and an interest in seeing the bigger picture, I enjoy asking the right questions to identify the leverage points that will lead to the most meaningful impact.

The AI in Train Station


Loughborough train station fulfils its function of facilitating travel. Passengers, however, want more — a safe, seamless, enjoyable experience. Currently, these needs are unmet. Addressing these needs and passenger-crowding caused delays (and therefore increased travel times, frustration and dwelling emissions) holds tremendous potential to promote rail travel by improving users’ experiences.


Thematic analysis of self-reported data from an in-person survey of 44 passengers has revealed that while they consider Loughborough train station functional, they find it neither pleasant nor particularly welcoming. Safety during both peak and off-peak times was a key theme in my user research — a dynamic use of lighting and information design can go far beyond tackling such concerns: it can enhance passengers’ experience, elevate the appeal of rail travel and promote sustainable transport.


A dynamic lighting system with integrated information design solutions that makes the train station safer and nudges passengers to board less busy coaches for a frictionless travel experience. This solution promotes rail travel through reducing delays and making the station more user-centric and enjoyable. Potential further development includes mobile app integration.

Journey to the Show

Budapest Pride commissioned me to create a visual brand and adaptable assets for their Be the +1 campaign, aimed at mobilising Hungarian citizens between 18 and 30 ahead of the April 2022 Hungarian general elections via gamified civic engagement.

Working to a short deadline, I needed to create visuals that would make civic and political engagement seem accessible and fun even for those who may have a somewhat negative connotation with engaging in any political action. Additionally, the assets would need to be easily editable by non-designer campaign team members so that they too can generate posts.

Work Experience

Visual Design and Storytelling Intern
Storytelling Academy, Loughborough University
09/2021 — 12/2022

Freelance Campaign and Brand Designer
Budapest Pride NGO, Hungary
01/2022 — Present

Graphic Design Intern
Overpass Studio, Brighton
06/2021 — 09/2021

View more of my work in my portfolio at orsi.design

Visionary Thinkers

Visionary Creators

Visionary Makers