Final Project

Olava: Making Body Wash Sustainable

‘Olava’ aims to reduce the environmental impact of body wash, by removing the water content, which makes up 90% of standard body wash. Removing this excess weight drastically reduces carbon emissions throughout production and distribution. The product retains the quality and experience of liquid body wash, appealing to a broader audience beyond eco-conscious consumers.

Olava’s carbon footprint is 99% lower than using single-use body wash bottles

Timeless and Long-Lasting

The ceramic main body ensures a timeless design that will last users a lifetime. The pump and base make use of the abundance of existing waste as they are made of recycled single-use body wash bottles, symbolising the transition from single-use to refillable.

Simple and Easy to Use

Users refill their body wash concentrates in-store and store them in the portable base container. This removes the need for secondary packaging. One concentrate lasts an average user one month and refills are needed only twice a year. Simply place the concentrate in the dispenser, fill with water and shake to mix.

Mono-Material, Metal Free Pump

The pump facilitates optimal product consumption as it effectively controls the amount of product dispensed at one time. As there are no metal components the pump (and base) can be easily recycled at the end of the product’s life.


Poor air quality is linked to more than 5.5 million premature deaths annually.*

*According to a wide ranging 2016 study by the World Health Organisation.

Moss in urban areas provides several advantages: it cools the surroundings through evapotranspiration, increases biodiversity, reduces noise pollution, graffiti resistant, and requires minimal maintenance.

Internal components are housed in a dry box, ensuring they are protected and allowing easy maintenance. Bolts are hidden under a locked hatched to prevent tampering.


  • Best in Show and MPMA Gold Award, Starpack Students 2020
  • Certificate of Recognition, WPO Worldstar International Packaging Design Competition 2020
  • 2nd Place FSW Design Week 2023

Work Experience

Wrapology: May 2021 – May 2022

Product and packaging Designer and Artworker

Bowyer Wick: December 2020

Manufacturing and Interior Fit Out

John Lewis of Hungerford: September 2020

Kitchen Design and Manufacturing

Amanda Kelly Design Studios: June 2016

Textiles Print Design

Visionary Thinkers

Visionary Creators

Visionary Makers