Lina Duong

Hello! I’m Lina. Throughout my time here at Loughborough, I’ve been continuously growing my skills and developing myself as an Industrial Designer and learning what design truly means to me.

Final Year Project


For my final year project, I developed SaniGlam.

SaniGlam is a make-up tool storage unit that sanitises any make-up tools at the push of a button.

Using UV-C light, it eradicates bacteria and other microorganisms that can build up on make-up tools after use. Not only is it a sanitising unit, but it functions as a storage unit, and helps dry damp make-up brushes after cleaning, making the overall process of cleaning make-up brushes faster.

Other Projects from This Year


A group project I worked on this year was for the RSA Student Awards, which was nominated. Tella is a device that uses future-facing AI technology to enhance bedtime storytelling, allowing deeper connections to form between children and their loved ones regardless of physical distance.


Based on detailed group research, I developed an app that would aid in solar energy trade for homeowners. Focusing specifically on the user experience of a developed persona. This app is designed with the concept of a new age of self-sufficient, renewable energy.

Studying at TU Delft

Between second and final year I had the opportunity to study at TU Delft in the Netherlands for a year.

I was able to learn new skills as well as develop existing ones. And with the variation in content, it broadened my skills relating to design.

I worked on a multitude of projects, for example: designing an ultra personalised device using Rhino and 3D scanning techniques, considering the future of protein consumption through Systemic Implication Design, or more abstract design by looking at the Gestalt principles to conceptualise a ‘portal’ at the facility.

An example of one of my group projects was the Advanced Prototyping Project, where we explored using 3D printing techniques to repair a vacuum cleaner.

My team and I created various prototypes, all using different techniques and methods to recreate existing parts in the vacuum cleaner, while also considering the advantages of 3D printing and exploring CAD methods.

In addition to proving and exploring the principles, we created a set of ‘Instructables’ based on our findings and experiences.


  • Diploma in International Studies (TU Delft)
  • 2023 RSA Student Awards Nomination

Visionary Thinkers

Visionary Creators

Visionary Makers