Final Year Project

Reverb – A Music organization tool for digital DJ use

Reverb is a portable music manager, allowing users to confidently store, arrange and prepare audio files for modern day digital DJ equipment. DJ’s will be able to locate and arrange the large quantities of tracks in their own personalised way, enabling them to utilise the endless quantity of timeless tracks they own, ready to share with the crowd.

How it works

Users are able to source music through a supporting app, where they can then import this Reverb.

Music can be sorted, previewed and prepared before being exported to the integrated USBs.

The Product includes a removable hub, allowing users to detach their prepared music, taking only what’s necessary to the stage.

This hub houses 4 USBs, in addition to a headphone adaptor.

How its Made

The Reverb consists of a plastic shell with the addition of rubbed sides at both ends protecting the Reverb from drops or knocks.

The removable hub is coated in a rubber over mould, applying a soft touch.

Removable Parts

Walkthrough of Reverbs UI.

Showing specific tasks.

Journey to the Show

The Merseytravel interactive bus stop will encourage young residents living outside of urban areas to utilize bus travel and reduce their fuel costs.

Current bus systems outside of London are often dated, confusing to many and unreliable.

This interactive stop will enable users to view live journeys and plan trips within the interface. A supporting app will also enable users to gather further information regarding detailed  journeys and costs. Live updates will also enable users to plan on arriving at the stop, preventing wasted time standing at the stop for the anticipated bus.

Sketch Development

Digital Wireframing

Sketch Development

Work Experience

Colapz / Olsam – Junior industrial designer, 12 month placement

Visionary Thinkers

Visionary Creators

Visionary Makers