Jamie Doyle

I am a user experience designer with a passion for creative problem solving and a focus on developing user-centred solutions, to enhance their journeys and create impact digital experiences.

Final Project


A needle free injector designed to replace the use of hypodermic needles for administering vaccinations. The device is multi-use, delivering medication through liquid jet injection to increase vaccine uptake and minimise the waste of vaccination programs.

Dial user interface

The dial UI is designed so medical professionals can easily set up the device and tailor the injection to each patient for improved vaccine efficacy. The UI provides clear and immediate feedback so the user know’s the injection parameters and when an injection is successful.

jetvax app

The jetvax app provides users with a centralised place to find information, access vaccine certificates, and book appointments. By improving the user experience of vaccine management jetvax helps to streamline the vaccination process, to increase engagement with vaccinations and protection through immunisation.

UX Design Process


From my research I developed a set of 4 personas representing different user types to help me understand the needs, goals, and behaviours of the target users. This enabled me to design the app with each of their specific requirements in mind.

Feature set

I developed the user requirements into the following feature set outlining the core functions to be included in the app. Defining the features ensured that the app would meet the users’ needs and align with the app’s purpose and objectives.

Site map: I mapped out the app’s structure and navigation to plan the app’s organisation, and ensure each user journey would be logical and intuitive.

Low fidelity wire frames: I sketched out the basic layouts of the app’s screens, focusing on refining the app’s layout and functionality, before developing the UI.

High fidelity prototype: After progressing the design to mid fidelity screens I designed a high fidelity prototype in figma. Through testing I evaluated the app’s usability, functionality, and aesthetics before iterating upon them and producing the final visuals.

User Experience Module: eeko trees

eeko trees has been designed to help students living in university halls to reduce their domestic energy consumption in a visual and engaging way.

By completing weekly challenges, users grow and unlock new plants fostering a sense of achievement and progress.

Users visualise their energy usage by the health of their virtual plant and can compete with their friends whilst practising energy efficient behaviours for their future.


  • UK Student Starpack Awards 2020 – First place gold star and sponsor award for the miniature whiskey bottle design for ‘On the Go Convenience’ sponsored by Logoplaste.
  • Worldstar Student Awards 2020 – Certificate of recognition for ‘Angel’s Share’ whiskey bottle design.

Work Experience

September 2021 – August 2022: IBM UX Design intern

Visionary Thinkers

Visionary Creators

Visionary Makers