Jemimah Moore

I am committed to designing inclusive interior spaces that embrace neurodiversity, including ADHD, ASD and Sensory Processing Disorder. My passion lies in bridging societal gaps, challenging lack of understanding and raising awareness of difference.

Final Project

‘United by Difference’

This collection encompasses a portrayal of neurodiversity that delves deeply into the distinct experiences, strengths, and challenges encountered by many individuals with ASD and ADHD, including myself. It emphasises the pivotal role of inclusive design principles in crafting accessible environments that seamlessly blend aesthetics and functionality. With a keen focus on incorporating elements intricately connected to sensory processing disorder, this endeavour aims to cultivate an inclusive and supportive atmosphere, promoting an environment where individuals feel valued and included, creating an environment that promotes a sense of belonging and inclusion for all.

My work explores the neurodivergent phenomenon of masking where individuals suppress their true selves to fit into a neurotypical-based world; animals with camouflaging skin or fur serve as powerful symbols of this intense desire to blend in; by removing the mask, the project aims to raise awareness, encouraging acceptance and understanding of difference in society today.

“United by Difference” not only encapsulates the exploration of neurodiversity but also showcases the immense love and support from my parents and siblings that has made a lasting impact; their unwavering presence has played a crucial role in enabling me to embrace my true self and embark on a journey of self-discovery. Within the confines of a neurotypical world, where societal norms often challenge individuality, discovering and affirming one’s inner identity can prove to be an increasingly daunting idea. However, with the unconditional love and support of my family, I have found the strength and resilience to navigate these challenges and emerge as my authentic self. Their acceptance and understanding have been crucial in creating an environment where I can freely express and explore my unique identity despite the expectations and pressures of the neurotypical world we live in.

My collection features a series of digitally created designs that are thoughtfully transferred onto a variety of wallpapers and fabrics, with careful consideration given to incorporating sensory elements. Using Adobe Creative Cloud software has enabled me to further develop my drawings and paintings to create unique repeat patterns and bold prints. I take pleasure in exploring various digital tools that enhance my designs, allowing me to experiment, acquire new skills, and push the boundaries of my creativity.

‘Scattered Minds’

Digital Design: Wallpaper Print

Dimensions: 200cm x 75cm

‘Embracing Nurture’

Digital Design: Wallpaper Print

Dimensions: 200cm x 75cm

‘Bold Expressions’

Digital Design: Wallpaper Print

Dimensions: 200cm x 75cm

Emphasising the visibility and celebration of diverse identities, challenging the concept of masking. Through this design, the complex interplay between individuality and the need to blend in is explored, encouraging acceptance and understanding of the diverse experiences within the realm of neurodiversity.

‘Instinctive Disguise’

Digital Design: Cosmic Warp Satin

Dimensions: 200cm x 45cm

‘Masking Authenticity’

Digital Design: Cotton Drill

Dimensions: 200cm x 45cm

‘Cherished Emotions’

Digital Design: Oilcloth

Dimensions: 200cm x 45cm

Empowering individuals to embrace their strengths, uniqueness, and inner selves, recognising their inner strength, overcoming challenges, and cultivating self-love through acceptance.


  • Loughborough University – UAL Level 3: Art & Design Foundation Studies
  • ZSA Suicide Awareness Training

Work Experience

  • Hashtag Me – Mental Health and Well-being Group Facilitator
  • Loughborough University Student Ambassador
  • EMH Care & Support – Support Worker
  • Academic Mentor for Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking children
  • Loughborough Students Union – Disability Support Network: Workshop Coordinator

Visionary Thinkers

Visionary Creators

Visionary Makers