Final Project

Winston Boys

My Final Year Project investigates Gibraltar’s smuggling history through various graphic communication strategies. A key mechanism in my process has been engaging with the local community, researching in archives and interviewing past Gibraltarian smugglers. The work is a collaboration with those that witnessed the smuggling boom in the 1980s and 90s, utilising and manipulating collected found objects, archival media and handwritten typography to form films, moving image works and print media. 

Pursuit (Animation Box)

The mechanical flipbook can only begin with audience participation, immersing viewers in a sporadic sea pursuit between Spanish authorities and Gibraltarian smugglers.

The work was created from 36 printed frames utilising archival media and unique animation experiments. The top and bottom frame separation creates a split-screen point-of-view from either opponent, communicating both unique experiences of the same pursuit.

Winston City

My research is most broadly communicated through films or visual essays. Winston City guides viewers through the timeline of the Gibraltarian smuggling boom from 1985 to 1995. I have recontextualised found media, combining them with sound and graphic works to form discernible communications that answer historically unanswered questions. 

Smuggler Apparatus

My print series offers another way of communicating my research. Each print presents artefactual remnants collected and scanned from past Gibraltarian smugglers. Each piece of apparatus serves as an aid to educate audiences on smugglers and their process. I utilise analogue typography in each print, created from the handwritings of past smugglers, to represent them in the works.

Other Works

A visual essay exploring the question ‘Why do you do it?’ from my primary interview material. Footage compiled from archival media.

An animation fusing digital and analogue techniques.

A visual essay exploring Gibraltar’s 1995 riots – a result of dozens of fast launches being seized in an attempt to crackdown on Gibraltar’s notorious smuggling issue. Footage compiled from archival media.


  • Diploma of Professional Studies (DPS).

Work Experience

In my placement year with Kenshō, I worked as a graphic design intern and garnered the skills to create brand identities. With the direction and oversight of the senior designer and collaboration with the marketing team, I had an essential role in the conception, execution, and rollout of brand identities for companies based in Gibraltar and internationally. I worked on multiple projects simultaneously across Kenshō’s broad client portfolio. This included start-up crypto firms, established banks and even independent art businesses. Within the design team, we strived to create work that leveraged our client’s potential, allowing them to break out as front runners in their industry by carefully considering their unique function and beneficiaries’ needs. 

Visionary Thinkers

Visionary Creators

Visionary Makers