Final Project

Fields of Gold

For my final major project, I explored the uses, physical properties, and cultural importance of straw and hay. Both straw and hay have been an integral part of farming for thousands of years, and as a result, have embedded themselves in rural culture around the world. Coming from a Swiss farming family, the harvest is one of the most important parts of the year. Every summer my own family still hand harvests hay from our garden. It is a time when families come together to work towards a single aim, passing on traditions and knowledge that is over 400 years old. 

I wanted to research the different methods, techniques and traditions that surround the harvesting of these materials, investigating their social and cultural impact. I sought to explore how fundamental techniques like weaving and stitch can be used to create detailed, intricate structures and designs, as well as exploring the diverse applications and uses of such simple materials. My aim was to explore the connection between straw and the security of family, using light and space to create an immersive experience.

Journey to the Show

Porcelain ceramics inspired by straw


In September 2023 I will study Costume Design for Performance and Screen at Wimbledon Collage of Arts, UAL.

Visionary Thinkers

Visionary Creators

Visionary Makers