Emily Stanisavljevic

I am a creative specialising in illustration and visual design. I love painting, drawing, stencilling, and creating short animations. My goal is to be a sustainable creative who promotes ethical design that celebrates people, culture, and the planet.

Final Project

Change is Necessary

My final project is an animation illustrating the importance of adopting a possibilist mindset when it comes to tackling climate change. I created the frame by frame animation in Photoshop and added my own sounds to the audio.

The audio accompanying the animation is from a TED talk by urbanist and writer Sarah Ichioka. The purpose of the animation is to illustrate the complex scientific concepts she presents and make them easier to visualise and understand.

Still from ‘Change is Necessary’ animation. “We must put care for life, all life, at the very centre of everything we do”.

Other Work

Thinking the Worst?

This project is a zine illustrating the widely misunderstood symptoms of OCD.


Illustrations from a storytelling project about Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Set in modern day Sarajevo, this project retells a traditional myth about the city.

Aiming to break free of a negative narrative and dark past, the story follows a protagonist who is driven by true love.

Visionary Thinkers

Visionary Creators

Visionary Makers