Final Project

‘Remnants of the Landscape.’

‘Remnants of the Landscape’ interiors collection explores the unseen beauty areas within the Northwest of England that has been distorted by global warming. In particular, Harpur Hill Quarry, known as the deadly ‘Blue Lagoon’, in Buxton and Malham Cove in Settle. This interiors collection aims to highlight the impermanence of these landscapes and how these natural environments have and continue to be heavily affected by human activities and, consequently, global warming. 

The awareness of sustainability is growing across the Textiles Industry, especially within the wetting process, where chemical dyes are continuing to leach into waterways and harm natural landscapes across the world. For this collection, I have developed my own natural print pastes and solid surfaces using foraged rocks, along with using blackberries and nettles, to create a fully biodegradable collection.


‘Murmurs of the Deadly Lagoon’.

1-layer block screen-print using 50% blackberry extract natural print paste on a cotton canvas fabric.

This print serves an everlasting reminder of the impact that human activity has had on Harpur Hill Quarry. The print also is a celebration of the scientific research into carcinogens, which is currently taking place at the Lagoon.

‘Hiding in Plain Sight’.

2-layer screen-print using lemon juice and iron natural print pastes on a cotton and linen blended fabric dyed with red onion extract. Fabric was kindly donated by Standfast and Barracks.

This print highlights the unseen, hidden and layered textures that are found at Malham Cove.

‘Calcite Ripples’.

3-layer registered screen-print using blackberry extract, lemon juice and iron natural print pastes on a cotton and linen blended fabric. Fabric was kindly donated by Standfast and Barracks.

This print is inspired by the ripples and textural sections of the rock formations, that have been eroded by acid rain, which can be seen scattered across Malham Cove.

Design and Technical Development.

Paper collage using recycled papers, inspired by the man-made, fly-tipped items at Harpur Hill Quarry.

After extensive experimentation, I also created a series of paints using rock pigments foraged from the North West of England. The pigments were used to create a series of abstract, textural studies from different areas of Malham Cove, which inspired the ‘Calcite Ripples’ screen-printed design.

Throughout the project, a range of different surfaces and fabrics were carefully chosen and considered based on their environmental impact.

A number of these surfaces were made from waste grass cuttings and crushed rocks, using novel methods, to create a fully biodegradable system.

Colour Exploration.

Foraging for colour from rocks, vegetation and fruits found within the North West of England.

Experimenting and investigating using blackberry, nettle, red onion extracts and rock pigments to create print pastes. The consistency of the pastes were refined by adapting recipe components such as natural thickener concentration.

After refining the print paste recipe, I used the pastes to create registered 1 to 4-layer screen-printed designs.


  • SDC International Design Competition: UK Finals Runner Up 2023.
  • SDC International Design Competition: Midlands Region Winner 2023.
  • Loughborough University: Foundation Diploma (Distinction) in Art and Design 2019.
  • Diploma of Professional Studies

Work Experience

Jul 2021 – Aug 2022 – CMF Intern – PriestmanGoode. 13-month placement as a CMF Intern (Colour, Material and Finish) at PriestmanGoode in London. I worked closely with a range of manufacturers to meet tight deadlines for a diverse range of projects. I further developed my digital skills in Adobe Photoshop, InDesign and Keyshot to develop specifications and material selections, as well as refining them into final CMF selections. Throughout all of the projects that I worked on, I had several opportunities to explore my passion for sustainability further through extensive research into material innovations and future trends.

Visionary Thinkers

Visionary Creators

Visionary Makers