Final Project


Aura is a light therapy aid for individuals who work from home with SAD. Aura tracks users mood constantly whilst working and provides a new approach to light therapy treatment.

Light Therapy

Aura’s light therapy mode utilises its specifically chosen LEDs to give users their +350 effective melenopic Lux to help relieve the symptoms of SAD, focusing the use of effective blue area of the light spectrum.

Light Mode

Auras light mode reduces the amount of blue light delivered after 1 pm and crucially 3 hours before bed. Ensuring the users mind is prepared for sleep if situated away from the suns natural gaze. Looking to realign their circadian rhythm and thus reduce the impact of SAD.

Mood Tracking

Aura tracks users mood throughout their working day. Using a contactless system, that tracks user vital signs, Aura then converts this into a mood prediction allowing users to take this information to their medical professional and understand more about their depression and create an effective plan.

App Design

Auras simple interface allows the user to adjust the intensity, and thus the time, they have in light therapy mode. This allows Aura to better fit into users lives whilst ensuring they are getting the right amount of melenopic light to help treat their SAD. Aura’s simple interactions remind the user to engage whilst being subtle and pleasant.


I made several interactive and form based models to test the products physical interaction. The form culminated in the best way to deliver effective melenopic light above the average users eye line.

I also created a functional prototype to allow users to experience the subtle wake interaction when the user sits at their desk.

I also used Figma’s prototyping capabilities to test my UX app thoroughly with several rounds of body storming to truly understand how users best want to interact with the device.

Other Work

One of my other projects is Mycopod this was a group project based around the brief around the future of food which has been shortlisted for an RSA award.

Under our feet is a vast network of intertwined mycelium. Mycopod looks to dive into this system and understand and communicate with the system to give farmers a better understanding of their farm. Giving farmers plans to rewild sections to create excess nutrients, options in terms of the best crop to return ratio and water levels within specific locations. Crucially delivering this data 24/7.

Mycopod has the potential to reduce the reliance on both pesticides and fertilisers by moving excess nutrients around and using them to boost yields. This would allow farmers to drastically reduce their cost base whilst increasing yields and promoting rewilding and increasing biodiversity across their farms.


  • Shortlisted for an RSA award
  • Diploma of Professional Studies

Work Experience

My industrial work placement was at AMS Neve. AMS Neve is one of the biggest names within professional audio production. I worked in one of the worlds best R&D teams on cutting edge projects combining the digital and analogue world of audio. Working as a main industrial designer on several mass market and bespoke products focusing on the user experience and aesthetics of their products. Working for clients such as Abbey Road, AIR studios and Warner Bros.

Visionary Thinkers

Visionary Creators

Visionary Makers