Hannah Morten

A focussed, highly technical academic and creative student. Currently interested in colour and materials for automotive and interiors.

Final Project

The Origin of Species

This project explores textile designs for an luxury autonomous automotive vehicle that exists in the future. Inspired by nature and the ability that it has to evolve and grow, the aims of this project were to utilise biophilic design elements that can bring the outdoors in.


Lasered Wood and Fern Wall Hanging

Lasered Wood and Fern Wall Hanging:

Inspired by biophilic architecture, I wanted to used wooden panels to create a natural decorative interior piece. After doing some modelling of 3D fractals, I decided to engrave some of the patterns generated onto wooden panels. I digitally embroidered and laser cut leaves to fill the cracks between the wood.

Fringed Wall Hanging
Jacquard Woven

Jacquard Wovens:

Using Scotweave, I was able to translate my artworks into jacquard designs. I focussed on creating aesthetic designs that incorporate gradients in their construction.

Lasered Wood and Fern Wall Hanging
Wooden Wall Hanging

Wooden Wall Hanging:

For this piece I separated one of my initial photograph into 3 colours, these became the different layers of wood. The wood was laser-cut and pieced together like a jigsaw.

Fringed Wall Hanging:

Using the laser-cutter, I cut holes into plywood following one of my designs. I then wrapped this with one of my digital prints and thread cotton and wool threads through the fabric.

Visualisation of print on a car seat
E-Textile Seatbelt

E-Textile Seatbelt:

Using Conductive thread, I was able to stitch a circuit onto material. On this design, when the two clips join together, the circuit completes and integrated LED lights turn on. To create the straps I used passementerie weaving techniques using wool and cotton and wove in grass seeds so that when the belt is no longer in use it will biodegrade and grow.

E-Textile Seatbelt
Digital Print

Digital Prints:

Using Photoshop I created repeats using my drawings and initial photography as a reference. I also used a Wacom and drew straight into Photoshop.

Journey To The Show

embroidered and lasered fabric and wood
ferns being digitally embroidered
laser engraved wood

For this project many tests had to be done. Laser tests had to be done for the different types of wood and engraves/cuts and there were many leaves embroidered to ensure I achieved the look that I wanted. Most of the files for these tests were created using Adobe Illustrator.

edited painting
edited photograph of a leaf
an abstract illustration

I did many digital edits for this project, exploring different textures and colours. My initial photography was integral to creating the images I used for my final designs


  • Madeira Embroidery Sponsorship 2023
  • Textiles Course Representative Oct 2020 – June 2023
  • School of the Creative Arts Committee, Sports SIO Sept 2019 – June 2020

Work Experience

  • Sage Automotive Interiors Sep 2021 – June 2022

Visionary Thinkers

Visionary Creators

Visionary Makers