Simerjeet Kaur

I am an artist from Wolverhampton. My practice is centred around exploring larger socio-political issues through the lens of my own identity British - Sikh and personal experiences.

Final Project

An Homage to My Family

My final project focuses on exploring issues of identity, culture, and heritage through the use of my family, their history and experiences while also and drawing upon my own cultural identity as a British-Sikh. I explore the interconnections between identity, home and sense of belonging alongside my culture and religion, attracting attention to diversity through representation.

Work Experience

During my placement year at Loughborough University, I worked at the Asylum Art Gallery in Wolverhampton. This provided me with experience and skills in marketing, artist liaison, social media management and curation. I was awarded the opportunity to curate my first successful group show called ‘Utopia’.

Visionary Thinkers

Visionary Creators

Visionary Makers