Sebastian Hale

I am self-motivated and passionate about design. A versitile, broad creative thinker who loves communicating ideas and making a difference.

Final Project


Indoor cycling workouts require control over core body temperature and hydration for optimised performance. The device uses evaporative-cooling to provide targeted, adjustable airflow to cool, thereby enhancing performance and motivation through comfort.

Combined design

Cycool is an evaporative cooling fan that attaches to the front of your indoor training bike at home or in the gym, by combining the magic of existing evaporative cooling and the specialised bracket design. The heat can reduce your ability to use energy during your workout by up to 10%, meaning that performance is hindered and motivation is lost. Cycool provides that extra bit of comfort and therefore motivation for the user to workout during those uncomfortably hot conditions.

The brand

The bold yet sleek brand design was something that was really important for my project, especially for my branding specialism. With the bold highlight colour, logo and the added connotation of the brand name combining the function ‘cycling cool’ into one sharp brand identity, Cycool works.


Shortlisted for the Royal Society of Arts awards with our group project ‘Mycopod’. The exciting concept is designed to help the future of food security by utilising natural processes between mycelium and surrounding plant life.

The pods are inserted into the ground in farmland and utilise the symbiotic relationship between plants and fungi. The devices interface with the subterranean mat of mycelium inter wound with the crops’ roots using it as a communication, protection, and transport network.

The work behind it all

Working rigorously through ideation and test stages of the project to produce a successful and meaningful solution to my user scenario and to meet the needs of the user.

Primary testing with potential end users and interviewing experts on the design components I was incorporating into the product.

Adapting existing designs and technology to be suited to my product design and scenario of use. Creating a detailed, realistic design that is ready to provide for the user.

Working as a team while also focusing on our unique individual skills, the group worked through heavy yet new and exciting research on the topic. Eventually designing the Mycopod which incorporates key features based from our secondary and primary research.

Our extensive research allowed us to create a detailed user interface between the device and farmer. Aiming to both build the food security of the country and the community of farmers wanting to grow their crops.

With our project concluded on, and the exciting opportunity to present in front of the RSA board, we could really see how our solution could help solve the future of food. Especially with the Mycopod’s key benefits.


  • Shortlisted for RSA design awards 2023

Work Experience

Worked for Wild Design (Munich) as an intern for 9 months, having the opportunity to be a part of a variety of exciting projects ranging from cosmetics to the industrial scale medical world.

Visionary Thinkers

Visionary Creators

Visionary Makers