I look to be creative and experimental in the work that I do and to get the most from all the experiences that are available to me. I have a strong preference for structure, efficiency, and tangible results.
Featured Project
This work involved creating mixed media sculptures that combine hard surfaces and textile techniques. The work seeks a balance within the sculptures where not only the colour and form are considered, but also how the pieces are physically balanced.
I have brought together industrial materials, steel and aluminium, to create strong forms evocative of Space-Race pendant lighting, which also informed the reduced colour palette.
Combining stitched details, soft textiles and hand-bent metals I have created intriguing maquettes of sculptures that would be presented on a grand scale, in large hanging spaces such as galleries and offices.
Full image of a maquette for a hanging sculpture.
Full image of a desk sculpture maquette.
Maquette of the top part of two-part hanging and standing sculpture.
Full image of a maquette for a hanging sculpture.
Full image of a maquette for a hanging sculpture.
Close up of maquette for the base part of a two part hanging and standing sculpture.
Produced to match the theme of ‘Tension’ it was selected by a visiting student as a good depiction of the theme.
A maquette for a suspended private space within a home, specifically too small for an adult to create an escape for a child.
An experimentation into Hyperbolic crochet and it’s potential in sculpture, this maquette stands by itself due to it’s structure.
I had the opportunity to work alongside talented makers, development specialists and planners during my 13 month placement, getting hands-on when needed and involved in experimentation and innovation workstreams.
I helped to develop bespoke training courses, applying for memberships and finding appropriate institutions for upskilling associates.
I also undertook an internal placement in Bespoke Marketing where I engaged with and wrote a brief for an external agency, helped facilitate an onsite event and proof-read client facing documents.
Visionary Thinkers
Visionary Creators
Visionary Makers