Paulo Petrone

I am a painter who specializes in oil paint. However, I actually use a multitude of mediums to inform my outcomes. These include: charcoal and graphite drawings, and digital renders.

Final Project – Paulo Petrone


This is a painting of a three dimensional fractal which takes inspiration from ideas surrounding chaos theory. A digital version of the fractal was initially created in Blender before being used as a reference image for the actual painting.


Conceptually, this painting combines the ideas of two different natural phenomena, these being natural wave phenomena and magnetism. The idea was to emphasize the transition between order and chaos, within these fluid forms.

Dodecahedron Exploded Fractal

Since much of my work involves the use of the digital software Blender, I thought I would showcase an example. In this piece I explored the idea of instancing geometry to create a Dodecahedron Fractal.

Drawing no.11

This is one of my charcoal and graphite drawings. The main purpose of these drawings were to visualize and explore a variety of different ideas at a smaller scale, before committing to a larger piece. At the show you will find 11 of these drawings exhibited, along with my paintings and digital renders.

Visionary Thinkers

Visionary Creators

Visionary Makers