Nicole Katherine Ibarra Rivas

As a designer, I aim to deliver meaningful and impactful outcomes. Driven by passion for my country and a desire to help people, my major project inspired me with innovative solutions, further motivating me to continue on this path.

Final Year Project

OVE – Improving cervical and HPV screening by providing a less invasive alternative

Bolivia ranks among the top 10 nations worldwide in terms of both the highest occurrence and death rates associated with cervical cancer from 2012 until now. Cervical cancer can be prevented through vaccination and regular screening. However, most women are often reluctant to undertake a Pap smear due to several barriers. It is an invasive, uncomfortable, and sometimes, painful procedure.

About Ove

Ove is a home-based testing device designed to assist women in identifying any irregularities using a non-invasive method, urine sampling.

How it works

Ove uses Arduino as its technological component and incorporates a buffer solution. When cancer biomarkers are present in the urine sample, the solution triggers their activation, resulting in a colourimetric response that can be identified by the optical sensors in the device. The device delivers a response within a 40-minute time frame, and the results can be conveniently accessed through a paired app. Through the photo detector used in Ove, results can be shown through mapping functionality on the app and indicate an accurate percentage of cancerous biomarkers if the results turn out positive.

Discreet and long-lasting

Ove offers a method that surpasses smears and other screening techniques in terms of efficiency and accuracy. In addition to being a less invasive alternative, is also cost-effective, making it ideal for low-income settings.

While cervical screening may be required every six months in specific cases, regular check-ups typically occur every two years. As a result, the packaging of Ove prioritises safety, durability, and compactness, with a minimalist and discreet design. The selection of materials for Ove has been carefully considered, taking into account manufacturing processes to minimise costs, considering its 10-year lifespan.


To perform the test at home using Ove, a buffer solution is required. This solution is provided in a separate pack along with a urine sampling container. The reason for the separate packaging of the buffer solution is primarily based on the frequency of the test and the shelf life of the solution. These packs can be conveniently obtained from a pharmacy, drugstore, or nearest hospital.


  • Shortlisted for RSA Student Design Awards 2023

Work Experience

Throughout my placement year, I gained valuable experience working at Gladymar, a company specialising in ceramic products for interior spaces, particularly bathrooms. During my time there, I developed my prototyping and CAD skills by consistently creating models tailored to each client’s needs.

Visionary Thinkers

Visionary Creators

Visionary Makers