Final Project

The Everyday

Within my work I am looking at the theme of the everyday. This relates to mundane things we see or do everyday but do not comprehend. For example here I am presenting working life and creating art out of what is left on the desk.

This piece is one of many teapots I have painted, I find painting a subject multiple times really exaggerates the repetitiveness of the meaning of the word ‘everyday’.

I also enjoy playing around with perspective in my work. I feel this adds a uniqueness to my paintings as each work is personal to myself yet other can relate due to the normal subject matter.

I enjoy painting quite fast as it helps to keep my brush strokes loose and painterly as show in this painting of grapes underneath the film.

Journey to the Show

My journey towards the degree show has been thoroughly enjoyable as I improved not just on the course during the these 3 years but also these 12 weeks.

I feel my style has been solidified within my work for example my colour backgrounds, the way I see colour and perception as well as the way I hang the works.

Overall my journey towards the degree show has consisted of trial and error as well as a lot of painting.

Work Experience

My relevant work experience consists of traditional and digital commissions for customers. In addition to the last summer I worked as an Art Handler at Sotheby’s London Branch during the Platinum Jubilee exhibition.

Visionary Thinkers

Visionary Creators

Visionary Makers