Sarika Dhorajiwala

I am a textile designer creating visual storytelling through materials, blending digital techniques and embracing experimentation. My passion lies in exploring conceptual narratives, crafting emotionally expressive and intricate designs. This project was inspired by my fascination for science fiction.

Final Project


My final year project ‘Merge’ is based on my short story and comic about a dystopian future 50 years from now, reimagining the future relationship between humans and plants. This concept allowed me to take on a more experimental approach, and the project has grown organically into its own collection, reflecting the narrative in which humans begin to merge with plants for survival.

Inspired by science fiction books and films, this project was developed from photography, painting and collaging to embroidery, jacquard and lasercut designs. Like the concept of humans merging with plants, these textile techniques were fused together, and other processes such as digital print have been used to reflect the comic style and concept.

digital embroidery on organza
cotton double cloth jacquard
reversible double cloth jacquard
digital embroidery and applique

Journey to the Show

digital print design for sublimation

jacquard development sample – experimental piece with elastic yarn
artwork from comic book and an initial drawing for a jacquard sample

previous work: semester 1

digital print design for sublimation
sublimated polyester with applique and beaded embellishment including ceramic beads
lasercut and sublimated satin with 3D printed embellishments
Lasercut and spray painted piece for interiors project


Shortlisted for Milliken prize, 2022

Visionary Thinkers

Visionary Creators

Visionary Makers