The First Gentleman’s Club On Mars

RED PLANET is a full feature Netflix Original neo-noir sci-fi film set on Mars. Inspired by Ridley Scott, John Carpenter and Stanley Kubrick, I wanted to test the limits of AI generated imagery by using it to fuel the pre-production phase of the movie. Directed on the new colony of Mars, the movie aims to use the alienating landscape of Mars, to explore different themes of loneliness, intimacy and human connection.

Starring Adam Driver.

The Brief

Netflix has commissioned me as a graphic designer to conceptualise pre-production imagery for RED PLANET before the filming of the movie. These include worldbuilding, set designs, props, costume design, lighting, make-up and special effects.

Reading through the script, I’ve made the decision to use AI as a tool to generate different images that I would digitally collage, in order to create Mars.

The Results

By using AI alongside my array of skills, I could visualize the unimaginable and the uncharted. Mars and it’s inhabitants were captured by generating, curating, compiling and manipulating 3000 images through the use of Midjourney, Photoshop and Illustrator.

The image on the right was made through manipulation and collage of AI generated imagery as seen above.

The “Digital” aspect of the movie has been made through real-life imagery and was intentionally not made with AI.


The Art Of The Choke is a bi-monthly magazine that encompasses failure in sports for uni students who are considering going pro. In an age where only victory matters, defeat is looked down upon on.

Choking is when a person fails, to act, behave or perform as anticipated in a sporting environment. It is often described as being the feeling when you forget how to do the thing you’ve been practicing for years.

Defeat is part of life and this project aims to showcase that. By embracing defeats, blunders, and hardships, the editorial aims to equip young athletes with the necessary tools to overcome setbacks and emerge stronger.

Failure is the most important step in any athletes career.

The project is inspired by a combination of things like the 2000’s online culture with a mix of old school 80’s baseball cards. Fear, anger and sadness are visualized in a comedic and interesting way to get the reader engaged with the content.

The challenge was finding how to present the moment of the choke to people through digital collaging, compositing and manipulation. I wanted to place people into that moment before “disaster”.

Sports choking can significantly hinder the progress and success of young athletes aiming to go pro. By creating a design response that addresses this issue, we can provide valuable guidance, support, and practical tools to help them overcome sports choking.

“Failure has been achieved. Thank God!”


With a decade of experience in Adobe software, I am
seeking to sink my teeth into the industry after
graduating with a Graphic Communications degree
and permanently cementing myself as an innovative
yet sensitive creative.

Visionary Thinkers

Visionary Creators

Visionary Makers