Final Project

Implosion/ Explosion

To live is to be in a state of perpetual motion. Nothing on earth, or indeed the universe, would exist without a cataclysmic reaction which everything now derives from. Imagine if we paused this explosion, what would we be able to see which is lost in the sheer split-second momentum of this moment? My project Implosion/ Explosion aims to pause and halt in order to truly see.  

Material Exploration

I have worked with malleable and fluid media such as ink, clay and wire and tyvex paper in order to really capture the energy and movement associated with my subject matter. It has been really fascinating to explore how stationary materials can seem to be in motion through experimental photography and manipulation.

Projection and Audio

Cornelia Parker has been a big inspiration for my project, and I knew I wanted to create an exhibition that felt as immersive as a large-scale installation- but in a more compact space. To do this I have generated moving image and video components that will interact with my models, in order to cast shadows. I have also been inspired by NASA and their recordings of sounds from our galaxy to create some of my own audio inspired by my subject matter Implosion/Explosion.

Light and Photography

The use of light has been integral in my photography, in order to capture the detail of my models that would otherwise be missed when simply glancing at them. The Tyvex, in particular, came alive when light was introduced, exposing a myriad of veins, creases and fibres that really gave an ephemeral quality to the final photography.

Photography and Texture

Visionary Thinkers

Visionary Creators

Visionary Makers