Final Project

To Educate and Promote Sensible Consumption of Sports Supplements

The project brief was to develop a solution to tackle an emerging eating disorder whereby the use and reliance on sports supplements have become excessive.

Sport Supplement Dispenser Hero Shot
All-Balanced Dispenser Unit and Refillable supplement containers

The All-Balanced Sport Supplement Dispenser

The All-Balanced is a powder-based supplement dispenser designed to give users the ability to track and receive analysis on their consumption pattern/behaviour. Accompanied with an app the user is able to view their history of consumption and in creating that awareness users are guided to consume responsibly.

Athletes, Coaches & Nutritionists

The history of consumption, and the data collected as the dispenser tracks the use of supplement, can be shared with a nutritionist, coach or other medical professional to help tailor the supplement routine to the user, based on health, performance or recovery needs. Coaches and Nutritionists will be able to make changes remotely and monitor their athletes consumption.

Touchscreen Interface
Product Scenario Board highlighting the key steps to operate the dispenser

Product Scenario Board

Journey to the Show

Initial sketches and ideation process to generate concepts

Initial sketch ideations and concept generation.

Low fidelity cardboard models were a quick and easy way create to experiment with different geometries.

Creating low-fidelity models to gauge the scale, discovering limitations and effectiveness of dispensing mechanisms.

CAD model of the internal parts that will drive the rotation of the dispensing unit.

CAD Model of the assembly of electronic components, timing wheels and belt to drive the rotation of the dispensing unit.

3D Printing of Archimedes Screw Prototype

Optimising geometry of the Archimedes Screw for 3D Printing to rapid prototype and test the part.

Assembly and integration of electronics.

Electronics programming and assembly of the full scale function prototype .

User testing activity to gain insight and feedback from potential users.

User testing activity with the functional prototype to gain insights and feedback to improve the final design.

Visionary Thinkers

Visionary Creators

Visionary Makers